Scan for SSL Certificates

CertAlert can be used to discover and monitor the SSL certificates deployed throughout your networks. It will email you detailed reports about the results of the scan; it will also email you alerts when any of your certificates are approaching expiration. CertAlert has a very flexible configuration that lets you specify many parameters for scanning and monitoring. The configuration is held in an XML configuration file called CertAlert.exe.config.

Scan a range of IPs

The example below shows a configuration to scan scan multiple IP ranges.

<key="IPRanges" value=",,">

Note that IPRanges (shown above) can be specified in CIDR or nmap notation

Scan a range of Ports

Once you have specified the IP ranges you wish to scan, you can specify which ports should be scanned for the IP addresses in the IP ranges.

<add key="Ports" value="443,636,1000-2000,45000-45500" />

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Did You Know?

CertAlert can monitor certificates across multiple servers, cloud services, and network devices from a single installation.